Hi there,
Well, what a whirlwind 2024 has been. I can hardly believe we’re closing out December in a few days, and welcoming in another shiny New Year.
My highs have been high this year, my landscape in the early part of the year changed into a more graphic style, exploring texture and line, seeing just how far I could push my ideas. The Royal Academy nod was amazing – I felt like I’d been nominated for an Oscar! No no don’t worry, I won’t launch into any speeches just now. The Royal West England Academy also shortlisted ‘Ever Mine’ which was brilliant, I did my Foundation course near Bristol, so it felt like a full circle all these years later.
My second high was rediscovering and finally (starting) getting to grips again with oil paint, this will be my summer medium mostly, as I need all the doors open (asthma and oil are not great together), who knows, maybe I will even be plein air next spring summer.
My third high must be the Open Studios, both were brilliant for me, in the conversations, the interest, the paintings that went home with some old faces and lots of new faces. I cannot thank you enough for your support, not just the ‘buying’ kind, but the actual support and keeping me inspired and motivated – oh dear, this is a bit Oscar’esque, so I will cease!
Lastly – my next high is preparation for a show I am taking part in at the end of January 2025. Watch this space for more information, and complimentary tickets from me to the FRESH Art Fair. Held at Alexandra Palace 31 January thru 2 February.
I’m sharing a stand with the super talented and lovely person who also works at Wimbledon Art Studios, Sarah Rutherford, have a look here to see her exquisite portrait work.
That is it for now, thank you to everyone that came to the Merton Arts Festival Open House, the Worple Road and Richmond Art Society shows, and those who came directly to the studio to see my work at other times of the year.
Wishing you health and happiness as we move into a New Year, and if you celebrate, a very Merry Christmas.
With enormous thanks,