
Alison Clarke July Newsletter

Hello there, Well, this muted summer we are having does nothing to dampen my appreciation of the ‘soft box’ type light and mossy colours which are all around us these last few weeks, but some crystal blue sky would not go […]

Alison Clarke June Newsletter

Hi there, June is here, and hopefully a long sunny summer to spend time outside, amongst the trees and in the fresh air, following paths and making notes and figuring out how on earth am I ever going to paint […]

Wimbledon Art Fair 2024 9-12 May

Hi all, The Wimbledon Art Fair is next week!  I’m mostly ready to fling open my doors for the Open Studio and looking forward to showing you all the paintings I’ve been working on. Actually, I really can’t wait, so I’ve […]

April 2024 Newsletter

Hi there, Easter has been and gone, another page marker in a year that is flying along.  I have been so busy working, framing and getting this collection of paintings ready to show you. I have also been applying for exhibitions […]

February 2024 Round-up

February has happened at record speed after the 135-day long January! Hello again, and I hope your 2024 is off to a blast. Despite lots of lovely interruptions this month, I have still had time to work on several small […]

February 2024 Newsletter

So here we are!  We’re well into 2024 now, and January saw such low temperatures, which coincided with me feeling really driven and I painted and painted (complete with thermals and a hat). I’ve just put up 21 pieces on […]

November 2023 Newsletter

Hi there, Well! That was one fast month/year. November saw my sixth Open Studio in Wimbledon and brought with it a wonderful stream of art lovers, who not only wanted to talk about the merits of art, but also made me laugh (cry), […]

Wimbledon Art Fair

Hi there, I’m loving the chill in the air, the dark, smudgy, stunning colours that nature conjures up during these early Winter days – also the skies are beginning to take on that magical light you only find when the sun […]

October 2023 Newsletter

Hi there, October, the month of change – actually one of my favourite months – has been a good one. I’ve been painting up a storm, and hope you enjoy the results. The big news is the Wimbledon Art Fair, Open Studio […]

September 2023 Newsletter

So, the whirlwind year of 2023 is now reaching the end of September, how can it be Autumn already! August was spent in France, back on the magnificent Atlantic coast. The trip has given me so much inspiration for the […]

June 2023 Newsletter

Hi there, Well! This year is going so fast – I am not sure how we are now nearly at the end of June! The May Open Studio was a lovely four days for me, I met lots of new art lovers, […]

May 2023 Newsletter

Hi there, What a whirlwind month April was – absolutely non-stop! Two shows, Easter holidays, school strikes, somehow in the middle of it all I quietly did some painting, and prepared for the Wimbledon Art Studios OPEN DAYS! I will be there from […]

2 Days to go until Alison Clarke Sea & Shore @ TOAST Chelsea

Hello again, I’m so excited to be showing my paintings at TOAST this Friday 21 April. I am bringing some big paintings, it is all new work and a collection I am really happy with and looking forward to talking to […]

March 2023 Newsletter

Hi there, Welcome to my March update.  I’m so happy to share that I have been invited as a guest artist to show a selection of my work at the Toast shop on the King’s Road, Chelsea, London. Toast is a […]

January 2023 Newsletter

Hi there, Too late to say Happy New Year? Maybe a little, but the sentiment is still there. November and December were a blur, the Open Studio went so well, I think I sold nearly 20 paintings. I’m thrilled with my new clients, […]

November 2022 Newsletter

Hi there, Welcome to my November newsletter! Okay, it’s my end of year newsletter, in which I have the chance to reflect on this year and let you know my plans for 2023. I love to look back at where I was […]