February has happened at record speed after the 135-day long January!
Hello again, and I hope your 2024 is off to a blast. Despite lots of lovely interruptions this month, I have still had time to work on several small and two big paintings (bigguns as my young daughter calls them), exploring the idea of blurred lines between where the clouds and sky end and the trees and land begin.
This gives the work more subtlety, and I can use colour to find my depth and feel my way into the landscape. The really big one at the top of the page is just sky – with the possibility of land to ground you, if you need it in the corner.
There are small buds bursting out of the little pear tree in my garden, they are the brightest green/yellow, magnolia trees in my street are loaded and ready to fire any day now – it seems a bit early for signs of spring, but I will take them. I realise I’m very much a seasonal painter and despite loving the bleak colours of winter, I’m truly looking forward to what is coming soon.
I am slowly getting everything framed, keep an eye on my website for updated images. If you can’t wait until May and my Open Studio to see this work, please feel free to contact me and I can arrange your own private viewing. I have recently shown my work in my studio to a few people, and it works for me as well as the clients, so don’t be shy.
That’s it for now, lots of work planned for March, see you then!