Hi there,
October, the month of change – actually one of my favourite months – has been a good one. I’ve been painting up a storm, and hope you enjoy the results. The big news is the Wimbledon Art Fair, Open Studio fiesta on November 16-19, which is nearly here. After my exhibition at TOAST earlier this year, I’ve decided to provide a nice little cocktail and maybe some nibbles – taking my Open Studio to a whole new level, finally hospitality has arrived!
I will be painting right up to the date, and also framing. Making my own frames has become a regular part of my art practice – it feels totally natural to have a hand in the finishing touches of my work. I have also been accepted into the Richmond Art Society, so watch this space for news on Richmond exhibition dates later in the winter.
Wimbledon Common has continued to feature heavily in my paintings, and as the months go by, I am beginning to process that maybe my work is as much about ‘being in nature’ as it is any one place or location. Although still quite abstract, I want to show you how I feel about being in a place, about the experience itself and how to breathe it in, and if possible, bring it inside via a painting. I’ve been starting some bigger pieces again, and building up the kind of colour and mark making which I think is the biggest success in my smaller, more intimate pieces – hard to recreate on a big scale, but I’m enjoying finding a way!
I will send location and times etc in a week or so for the Wimbledon Art Fair Open Studio, if you want to check it out before then use this link: https://www.wimbledonartfair.com/
See you soon, thank you as always for all your support!