So, the whirlwind year of 2023 is now reaching the end of September, how can it be Autumn already!
August was spent in France, back on the magnificent Atlantic coast. The trip has given me so much inspiration for the coming months.
As some of you may know, I really (really) got into painting Wimbledon Common earlier this summer. It is a place I find great peace, it is easier to breathe, it has a grounding effect on me and somewhere I like to spend many hours walking when I can. I have lived here for a long time, and I’m not sure why it’s taken me so long to paint what is on my doorstep.
You can find the whole series (up to now – I am still working on other pieces) on my website. I will of course be showing this latest work at my open studios during Wimbledon Art Fair, dates are Thursday 16 – Sunday 19 November. Remember free bar and music on the first evening! I am looking forward to it immensely, every fair that passes I get happier and happier to talk about my work, and meet the art lovers.
I had a blast last Sunday showing my work at Art in the Park, up on Wimbledon Common at the beautiful Cannizzaro House hotel. Many dogs and joggers stopped by, I also met some wonderful locals, who are seriously keen on their art, thank you for coming out in force on a blustery day, we all appreciated it.
The nights are drawing in, leaves are already tumbling past my window as I write, and I have an urge to work on some autumnal coloured skies and vistas for you, I actually find winter skies to be among the most beautiful. Watch this space. In the meantime, weekends kicking leaves on the pathways through Wimbledon Common and a warm fire to come home to afterwards is my plan!
With best wishes from Studio 208