Hi there,
Well! That was one fast month/year. November saw my sixth Open Studio in Wimbledon and brought with it a wonderful stream of art lovers, who not only wanted to talk about the merits of art, but also made me laugh (cry), think, question, wonder and feed my inspiration yet again.
So a really gracious, heartfelt thank you to everyone who came, new and old faces. If you bought something, I am ever thrilled that this happens, and you literally keep me painting in my studio. Before this descends into an Oscar type speech, I will move on!
Winter light and colour has fired me up for the coming months, which traditionally are my most productive. I’ve really begun pushing the boundaries of colour lately (red – say no more), and exploring both sea and landscape as we move into a New Year. There are some big works coming, and some tiny ones. Also, the painting above, Wintering on Wimbledon Common, I had so much positive feedback, that I have decided to do a limited edition print run.
It will be about 50x50cm, not decided yet, and will not be available until 2024. If you are interested in purchasing one, or finding out more about it, please drop me a line.
One more newsletter of the year to come, bring on the mince pies and sloe gin (if you came into Studio 208 you might have already had some of that)!
Stay warm and well,