Hi there,
Well! This year is going so fast – I am not sure how we are now nearly at the end of June! The May Open Studio was a lovely four days for me, I met lots of new art lovers, talked a lot about my work, others’ work, how art fits in with modern life, what my part is, and where I am headed myself! I was thrilled with the reception of my big pieces, and the very biggest piece is now installed in its new home in London, in a beautiful house, with a lovely little girl that will grow up knowing my painting, which touches me deeply. Thank you all so much for coming to see me, for supporting me and keeping me honest on this art journey.
Looking forwards, summer is upon us, and my paintings in the past have gone smaller and sort of fuzzy in the heat – this year, I will not be doing that! Alongside my small work, I am still working on one metre plus size paintings, and will start a couple of new big ones before the August break. I had a very positive response to my boat paintings – which I like to explore as a second string to my art – I fancy doing some really big boat pieces also. If you know any good fish restaurants with blank walls, let me know and maybe I can loan them out!
I am still always on the lookout for alternative places to show my work. I’ve been organising for one of my large pieces to be used on location in a film this year, and a friend from art school and I are planning a little show together – if we can find the right venue.
That’s it for me, for June. Thank you again for following me, having my work on your walls and supporting me with this art adventure, I could not do it without you.